Data in € millions20172016Change
First quarter 90.983.88.40%


Edify’s consolidated sales totalled €90.9 million for the first three months of the financial year, an increase of 8.4%[1] compared to the same period last year. These figures include the full consolidation of Zurflüh-Feller, Sirem, Pellenc, les Usines Métallurgiques de Vallorbe and de Buyer, and the proportional consolidation of Gaviota-Simbac.

Significant increases were recorded by Zurflüh-Feller and Gaviota-Simbac, both of which benefited from a recovery in the construction market in Europe. De Buyer and Pellenc also posted growth in their sales in comparison with the first quarter of 2016.

Business contracted slightly both for les Usines Métallurgiques de Vallorbe, which continued to be impacted by the sluggish jewellery/watchmaking market, and for Sirem, whose sales of motorised swimming pool covers had a slower start than in 2016.

However, the growth seen over this quarter cannot be extrapolated due to the highly seasonal nature of the business – particularly that of Pellenc, the main contributor to Edify’s revenues.


[1] Sales growth is identical on a current and constant scope basis, since the only shareholding acquired since last year (Ligier Group) is equity accounted.


Corporate profile

Edify is an industrial holding company listed on the Euro-MTF market of the Luxembourg stock exchange.

Its portfolio is comprised of majority and minority shareholdings in French, Spanish and Swiss industrial medium size businesses and SMEs, namely Zurflüh-Feller (accessories and systems for roller shutters and industrial closing mechanisms), Sirem (motorised solutions for spa baths, swimming pools and milk tanks), Pellenc (portable power tools and machinery for winegrowing, olive growing and green spaces), les Usines Métallurgiques de Vallorbe (filing tools for the jewellery, watchmaking, forestry, car and aeronautical industries), Ligier Group (microcars for unlicensed drivers), Lacroix Emballages (packaging for solid dairy products), La Buvette (livestock watering and farming systems), Gaviota-Simbac (components and motors for awnings and roller shutters), and de Buyer (items and utensils for cookery and patisserie).


Shareholders’ agenda

Publication of 2017 half-year sales: 28 September 2017



Edify: Valérie Marqués, Chief Financial Officer (+352 24 83 16 20)
Shan: François-Xavier Dupont (+33 1 44 50 58 74)


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As agreed, the temporary usufruct held by Roger Pellenc and his partners, relating to 51.36% of Pellenc SA shares, expired in April 2017.

As a result, Edify now fully owns all the shares in Pellenc SA.

This transaction has no impact on the the consolidation method for Pellenc Group in Edify’s financial statements, will give rise to the payment in May 2017 of an earn-out that was fully provided for at 31 December 2016.

Pellenc Group is one of the leading specialists in equipment for the harvesting and processing of grapes and olives (harvesters, sorters, presses, etc.) and portable power tools for the maintenance of vineyards, olive groves, and green and urban spaces (pruning shears, hedge trimmers, chainsaws, etc.).

It employs almost 1,500 people worldwide, owns one research centre and five production sites, exports its products to more than 30 countries, and generates sales of nearly €240 million[1].


[1] Pellenc’s consolidated sales totalled €236.6 million in 2016.



Edify is an industrial holding company listed on the Euro-MTF market of the Luxembourg stock exchange.

Its portfolio is comprised of majority and minority shareholdings in French, Spanish and Swiss industrial medium size businesses and SMEs, namely Zurflüh-Feller (accessories and systems for roller shutters and industrial closing mechanisms), Sirem (motorised solutions for spa baths, swimming pools and milk tanks), Pellenc (portable power tools and machinery for winegrowing, olive growing and green spaces), Les Usines Métallurgiques de Vallorbe (filing tools for the jewellery, watchmaking, forestry, car and aeronautical industries), de Buyer (items and utensils for cookery and patisserie), Gaviota-Simbac (components and motors for awnings and roller shutters), La Buvette (livestock watering and farming systems), Ligier (microcars for unlicensed drivers), and Lacroix Emballages (packaging for solid dairy products).



Shan: François-Xavier Dupont (+33 1 44 50 58 74)



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